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Apa Itu Aplikasi Efaktur Dummy dan Bagaimana Cara Downloadnya?

Download Aplikasi Efaktur Dummy: A Guide for Beginners

If you are a taxpayer in Indonesia who wants to learn how to use the electronic invoice (e-Faktur) system, you might want to try the Efaktur Dummy application first. This application is a simulation version of the e-Faktur system that allows you to practice creating and managing e-Faktur without affecting your actual data. In this article, we will explain what Efaktur Dummy is, how to download and install it, and how to use it.

download aplikasi efaktur dummy

What is Efaktur Dummy?

Efaktur Dummy is an offline application that simulates the e-Faktur system. E-Faktur is an online system that enables taxpayers to create, issue, and report electronic invoices for value-added tax (PPN) purposes. E-Faktur is mandatory for certain taxpayers who have been designated by the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP).

The definition and purpose of Efaktur Dummy

Efaktur Dummy is a dummy or fake version of e-Faktur that is intended for training and learning purposes only. It does not require an internet connection or a digital certificate to operate. It does not affect your actual e-Faktur data or your tax obligations. It allows you to practice creating, editing, deleting, exporting, importing, and printing e-Faktur without any consequences.

The difference between Efaktur Dummy and Efaktur Live

Efaktur Dummy is different from Efaktur Live in several ways. Efaktur Live is the real version of e-Faktur that requires an internet connection and a digital certificate to operate. It affects your actual e-Faktur data and your tax obligations. It requires you to register your e-Faktur account and user before you can use it. It also allows you to upload your e-Faktur data to the DJP server and report your PPN through the e-Faktur web-based application.

How to Download and Install Efaktur Dummy?

To download and install Efaktur Dummy, you need to follow these steps:

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The steps to download Efaktur Dummy from the official website

  • Go to [18]( and click on "Unduh e-Faktur Desktop 3.0".

  • Select the version of Efaktur Dummy that matches your operating system (Windows or Linux) and your computer architecture (32-bit or 64-bit).

  • Click on the download link and save the file (.zip) to your computer.

The steps to extract and run Efaktur Dummy on your computer

  • Extract the file (.zip) using an application such as WinRAR or WinZip.

  • Double-click on the ETaxInvoice.exe file to open the application.

  • You will see an error message ETAX-40001 (this happens because there is no internet connection, just ignore it and click OK).

  • On the Database Selection menu, make sure "Local Database" is selected and click Connect.

  • On the Login ETax Invoice menu, enter User Name: Admin (capital A) and Password: 123.

  • Click Login. If PT Sinchan appears, then the application is ready to use.

How to Use Efaktur Dummy?

To use Efaktur Dummy, you need to know these things:

The features and functions of Efaktur DummyEfaktur Dummy has the same features and functions as Efaktur Live, except for the upload and report functions. You can use Efaktur Dummy to:

  • Create e-Faktur for various types of transactions, such as sales, purchases, exports, imports, etc.

  • Edit or delete e-Faktur that have not been uploaded or reported.

  • Export or import e-Faktur data in CSV or XML format.

  • Print e-Faktur in PDF format.

  • View and search e-Faktur data by various criteria, such as date, number, status, etc.

  • Generate and print reports on e-Faktur data, such as summary reports, detail reports, reconciliation reports, etc.

The limitations and precautions of Efaktur Dummy

Efaktur Dummy has some limitations and precautions that you need to be aware of. These include:

  • Efaktur Dummy does not have the upload and report functions. You cannot upload your e-Faktur data to the DJP server or report your PPN through the e-Faktur web-based application using Efaktur Dummy. You need to use Efaktur Live for these purposes.

  • Efaktur Dummy does not have the digital certificate validation function. You do not need to register or activate your digital certificate to use Efaktur Dummy. However, you need to do so to use Efaktur Live.

  • Efaktur Dummy does not have the data synchronization function. You cannot synchronize your e-Faktur data between Efaktur Dummy and Efaktur Live. You need to manually export and import your e-Faktur data if you want to transfer them between the two applications.

  • Efaktur Dummy does not have the data backup and restore function. You cannot backup or restore your e-Faktur data using Efaktur Dummy. You need to copy and paste the database file (ETaxInvoice.db) manually if you want to backup or restore your data.

  • Efaktur Dummy is not updated regularly. You may encounter some errors or bugs when using Efaktur Dummy. You may also miss some new features or changes that are implemented in Efaktur Live. You need to check the official website regularly for any updates or announcements regarding Efaktur Dummy.


Efaktur Dummy is a useful application for taxpayers who want to learn how to use the e-Faktur system without affecting their actual data or tax obligations. It simulates the e-Faktur system offline and allows users to practice creating and managing e-Faktur without any consequences. However, it also has some limitations and precautions that users need to be aware of. It does not have the upload, report, certificate validation, data synchronization, data backup and restore, and update functions. It also may have some errors or bugs that are not fixed. Users need to use Efaktur Live for their real e-Faktur transactions and reporting.


  • What is the difference between e-Faktur and Faktur Pajak?

E-Faktur is an electronic invoice that is created, issued, and reported online using the e-Faktur system. Faktur Pajak is a paper invoice that is created, issued, and reported manually using a pre-printed form.

  • Who needs to use e-Faktur?

E-Faktur is mandatory for certain tax


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