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Dövlət Statistika Komitəsi: Sahibkarlıq subyektlərinin kateqoriyalarına dair elektron arayışlar

- Thesis statement: DSK is the official statistical agency of Azerbaijan that provides reliable and timely data on various aspects of the country's economy, society, and environment. - Preview: The article will cover the history, functions, achievements, and challenges of DSK, as well as some tips on how to access and use its data. H2: History of Dovlet Statistika Komitesi - Brief overview of the origins and development of DSK since its establishment in 1991. - Highlight some of the major milestones and reforms that DSK has undergone over the years. - Mention some of the international partnerships and collaborations that DSK has established with other statistical organizations. H2: Functions of Dovlet Statistika Komitesi - Explain the main tasks and responsibilities of DSK, such as collecting, processing, analyzing, and disseminating statistical data. - Describe the main sources and methods of data collection that DSK uses, such as surveys, censuses, administrative records, etc. - List some of the main statistical domains and indicators that DSK covers, such as population, GDP, inflation, trade, etc. H2: Achievements of Dovlet Statistika Komitesi - Provide some examples of how DSK has contributed to the development and improvement of Azerbaijan's statistical system and capacity. - Showcase some of the awards and recognitions that DSK has received for its excellence and innovation in statistics. - Cite some of the positive feedback and testimonials that DSK has received from its users and stakeholders. H2: Challenges of Dovlet Statistika Komitesi - Identify some of the current and future challenges that DSK faces in fulfilling its mission and vision. - Discuss some of the possible solutions and strategies that DSK is implementing or planning to implement to overcome these challenges. - Emphasize the importance of continuous improvement and adaptation for DSK to meet the changing needs and expectations of its users and society. H2: How to Access and Use Data from Dovlet Statistika Komitesi - Explain how users can access and use data from DSK through various channels and platforms, such as its website, publications, online databases, etc. - Provide some tips and best practices on how to search, filter, download, visualize, and cite data from DSK. - Include a table that summarizes some of the key features and benefits of using data from DSK. H2: Conclusion - Summarize the main points and arguments of the article. - Restate the thesis statement and emphasize the significance and value of DSK for Azerbaijan and beyond. - Provide a call to action for readers to visit DSK's website or contact its staff for more information or feedback. Table 2: Article with HTML formatting What is Dovlet Statistika Komitesi and Why is it Important?

If you are interested in learning more about Azerbaijan's economy, society, and environment, you may want to check out the data provided by Dovlet Statistika Komitesi (DSK). But what is DSK and what does it do? In this article, we will answer these questions and more.

Dovlet Statistika Komitesi (DSK) is the official statistical agency of Azerbaijan that provides reliable and timely data on various aspects of the country's economy, society, and environment. It is an independent public institution that operates under the supervision of the President of Azerbaijan.

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The main mission of DSK is to produce high-quality statistics that meet international standards and serve the needs of decision-makers, researchers, businesses, media, civil society, and general public. The main vision of DSK is to become a leading statistical organization in the region that contributes to the development and welfare of Azerbaijan.

In this article, we will cover the history, functions, achievements, and challenges of DSK, as well as some tips on how to access and use its data.

History of Dovlet Statistika Komitesi

Dovlet Statistika Komitesi (DSK) was established in 1991 after the independence of Azerbaijan in 1991. Since then, DSK has been developing and improving its statistical system and capacity to meet the international standards and the national needs. Some of the major milestones and reforms that DSK has undergone over the years are:

  • In 1994, DSK was established as a central executive authority under the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan.

  • In 1998, DSK adopted the Law on Official Statistics, which defined the legal framework and principles of statistical activities in Azerbaijan.

  • In 2003, DSK joined the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Interstate Statistical Committee, which coordinates the statistical cooperation among the CIS member states.

  • In 2006, DSK launched its official website, which provides online access to various statistical data and publications.

  • In 2008, DSK implemented the State Program on Development of Official Statistics in 2008-2012, which aimed to modernize and harmonize the statistical system with the European Union (EU) standards.

  • In 2013, DSK signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the European Commission's Eurostat, which established a partnership for enhancing the quality and comparability of statistics in Azerbaijan.

  • In 2016, DSK introduced the electronic reporting system, which enables the statistical units to submit their reports online and reduces the administrative burden and costs.

  • In 2018, DSK conducted the first Population Census in Azerbaijan since 2009, which provided comprehensive and updated information on the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population.

These are just some of the examples of how DSK has evolved and progressed over time. DSK has also established various international partnerships and collaborations with other statistical organizations, such as the United Nations (UN), the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and others. These partnerships help DSK to exchange experiences, best practices, and technical assistance in statistics.

Functions of Dovlet Statistika Komitesi

The main tasks and responsibilities of DSK are to collect, process, analyze, and disseminate statistical data on various aspects of Azerbaijan's economy, society, and environment. To do so, DSK uses various sources and methods of data collection, such as surveys, censuses, administrative records, etc. Some of the main statistical domains and indicators that DSK covers are:

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dovlet statistika komitesi Azad İqtisadi Zona üzrü mühüm göstiricilir

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  • Population: size, structure, distribution, migration, vital statistics, etc.

  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP): production, expenditure, income, growth rate, etc.

  • Inflation: consumer price index, producer price index, etc.

  • Trade: exports, imports, balance of payments, etc.

  • Industry: output, value added, employment, etc.

  • Agriculture: crops, livestock, forestry, fisheries, etc.

  • Energy: production, consumption, prices, etc.

  • Transport: passenger and freight traffic, road network, etc.

  • Communication: telephone subscribers, internet users, broadcasting, etc.

  • Education: enrollment, graduation, literacy, etc.

  • Health: life expectancy, mortality, morbidity, etc.

  • Labour: employment, unemployment, wages, etc.

  • Social Protection: pensions, benefits, social assistance, etc.

  • Environment: air quality, water resources, waste management, etc.

  • Culture: cultural heritage, tourism, sports, etc.

These are just some of the examples of the data that DSK produces and


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